Hi Everyone!
For my 50th post I wanted to celebrate it with a heartfelt post that comes to fruition as a main topic throughout each post.
As you all can relate, my life has gone through a lot of ups and downs. For confidential reasons I have not divulged all the details to you, but nevertheless there have been many great and terrible moments.
Society, for some weird reason, has made it seem like you cannot fail at all. Hiding your terrible moments and only displaying the great moments on social media.
Now, many can say that the reason this is done is because no one wants to hear about your problems, or care about your problems, or even, for those lowlife haters, enjoy hearing because they get a vibe out of your troubles. But I feel like the reason we don't do that is because we can't show the struggle in our lives.
The struggle must be hidden. The trial must be forsaken in public. Most successful people say to hide it from those around you so that when you succeed, you can show them the struggle and the success story.
I get it. I do. But I feel differently.
I remember when I was preparing to serve a full-time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Every ex missionary would describe their experience as wonderful, breathtaking, and moments of grandeur.
I only had one person who didn't bullshit me. Mauricio, a grand mentor of mine and dance teacher, told me the true trials he had on the mission. The scary scenarios and experiences that could cause anybody to rethink on going. But when he explained the lessons learned and the reward of getting through them, it was clear that it would be worth it.
Which empathizes my point. We should be able to show that we are struggling, because we are not perfect, and its okay to struggle. And, if someone is going through the same thing, they at least won't feel alone.
Many of us go through life thinking we are the only ones struggling. If we were to see others going through the same struggle, without feeling like misery loves company, then we could lend a hand and make it together rather than being alone.

I know though that going through it alone makes you stronger, but we all know that during those times we seek understanding and support.
So...I want you all to know. If you are struggling, you are not alone. I am right beside you, ready to lift you up. I hope you feel the same way. We must stick together if we wish to move ahead.
It's okay to fail. Failure leads to success. And how great would it be if we all can succeed rather than only a few.