Hello everyone!
If you are planning on visiting Utah any time soon, I know there is a lot of things you can do and you probably already have your trip planned well. But, if you want to add one thing to your itinerary, I recommend going to the Fairy Forest near Kamas, Utah.
It is unknown when it really started, but several years ago the forest was filled with so many decorations, it was very magical.
Though many things were removed due to the safety of the wildlife and keeping everything that is harmful out of the woods, the magic is still there.
If you are coming to Utah or if you live in Utah and haven't been, I recommend taking the beautiful drive and witness the beauty and fun.
Suggestion: before you go, have an activity with your family, significant other, or even yourself. Color a rock. Any size rocks. Personalize it and make it special and memorable. Use colors that will remain through rain and snow.
Once you have done that, now you are ready to head to the destination.
First, make sure you take some snacks and water with you. It is not a long hike, but in case you want to stay at the place for a bit, you won't be starving or thirsty.

Now, make your way to Highway 150, or the Mirror Lake Highway, is just a short 16 mile or so drive from Heber City Main Street in Kamas, UT. From Kamas head east on the Mirror Lake Highway until mile marker 17.
There will be a space to park your car on mile marker 17. You will exit your car and follow the path that will take you through the Shady Dell campsite.

As a courtesy, please avoid walking through the campsites. Remain on the path and you will reach the road of the campsite.
You will cross the road and that is when you will come across the sign that specifically says No littering and No Graffiti.
Remember when I told you to paint rocks prior, well this is the reason why. It will keep you safe from the law and allow you to protect the environment.
This occasion we brought our own rocks and painted them while there. I would suggest to do the activity prior to going as it will allow you the time to color it and design it as you like.
Here is where the fun gets even better.

I recommend coming in comfortable shoes or even sandals, so while crossing the river, if you choose to dip your feet in, you can. It really is refreshing.
You will cross a small river, depending on the time of year, may either be filled to the brim or a very little creek.
Then you will arrive to the Fairy Forest that is covered with so many different colored rocks in a path that takes you around the forest.
There are many locations where you can sit and enjoy the view. We took the time to color our rocks we brought and to find a location to put them.

My recommendation is to choose a spot you will remember and to return within a period of time (6 months-1 year).
Walk around and look at all the other works of art people have left throughout the years and just enjoy being away from the city and in nature.
Take your time to slow down and just relax. Life comes at a fast pace and at times feels like it will never stop. This type of trip and this place will allow you to step back and really ponder your life and look at the things that matter most.
Family, adventures, taking breaks, giving yourself credit, and just realizing that you have moved forward rather than moved backward.
Lastly, I suggest going during the fall season, mainly because the leaves start to change and it radiates the beautiful autumn colors, which provides a wonderful view through the canyon and in the forest. Plus, it is not too hot. ha